Grupo Linuxero del Bajío


Ramón Núñez R.

Hola a todos, espero que recuerden quien soy. Hace como 2 años que no publico artículos en este sitio, no es porque me haya olvidado del grupo. Estuve estudiando matemáticas puras en Bruselas, y no había podido.

Estoy en México porque tuve un problemilla con un trámite que se retrasó y no me pude reinscribir en el ciclo 2005-06. Voy estar hasta febrero viviendo en León, Gto. (estoy temporalmente en el ITESM de esta ciudad). En Marzo regreso a terminar la carrera.Espero asistir a la próxima junta y contarles un poco sobre GUADEC 6.

Oh, olvidaba, también sobre un proyecto que estoy desarrollando en Bruselas con amigos de la universidad sobre cómputo simbólico y numérico para hacer simulaciones de fenomenos tanto reales como abstractos basado en Mono Framework, uno de los objetivos es incrementar el número de aplicaciones de cómputo científico integradas completamente en GNOME. Estamos usando librerías del proyecto Cairo para la graficación.

Estoy esperando que el proyecto tome fuerza para publicarlo en SourceForge y poner un repertorio CVS. Ahorita estoy dedicando el 60% de mi tiempo en investigación sobre análisis matemático. Solo cuestión de tiempo, mientras utilizaré mi weblog para publicar avances.

Just for native English speakers (members of this group):

Hello geeks! I hope you remember me, it’s been a longtime I had not posted any article on this web site, sorry about that. Just let me tell you that at no time did I forget about this Linux users group. I was studying mathematics sciences in Brussels and I’d not had enough time, really.

By the way, I’m gonna be in Mexico for a couple of months, I had a little problem with a delayed document. Anyways, I’ll be living in Leon, Gto. until February. There’s no way to go back to Europe this year. I think it’s unfair but there’s nothing to do at the moment at least. (*censored*ing bureaucracy)

I might join you next meeting, I have to tell you lots of things about GUADEC 6 which is the conference I love most in Europe.

I’ve been working on a new project of mine. Although, few european people have gotten involved into the development of this project, I think it will have a better future. By the way, it’s about mathematical analysis for symbolic and numerical computation. It has been written in C# with the Mono framework technology.

Sometimes I find it so hard to lead it properly, due to my lack of experience leading this kind of projects through time. You know, for free software projects, leadership is quite important to get success. I think it’s absolutely necessary getting more people involved. it will be a very good piece of software for GNOME. (I love GNOME community).

Well I have to go, I got to get lots of work done for tomorrow morning. In addition, I feel a little dizzy and I feel awful. it’s so bizarre I drank a beer 4 hours ago and I didn’t get drunk at all. Anyways, enjoy these days, just have fun…

I’m not sure if there’re native French speakers here. I’m so tired to write a version in French at this moment. Sorry


Ramon Nuñez****